Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Post Three; Issue Two

A Wild Elegance;
poetry Corner
The Poetry of Michelle Lynne Kosilek


The crowds are gone
and the actress
is all alone
playing the saddest song........a
mournful melody
bitter melancholy
the lights could stay turned
Again to shine
upon her loneliness within
the barren theatre of her life.
She plots and plans and
in vain.
Sadness and tears
cry out
to the lure of
a night and a life
without unfulfilled dreams
grasping to a leaving
world and slipping....
No longer able to pay the charge.
Submitted By: Anonymous

Sheathed inside
soft like velvet
a warm moist silken shroud

For me, a sweet fullness
soft biting
nails scratching down your back
my moaning...
as you tunnel my warm depths

Waves peak
come crashing down
and I shudder
over and over and
then stillness
In our embrace.
By: Anonymous


The darkness wore many faces that year
As in days of old
Superstition ruled the lives of all
Senators and jailers took turns at the podium
And the face of public opinion
Embraced their poison words
As if the panacea for their fears
Could be distilledFrom the pain of the powerless
Drop by desperate drop
The blood of our sisters ran deep
While society swallowed sit-coms
To ease the pain of knowing
When their suffering ended, their screams became a paean
To self-determinationAnd the dignity that sisterhood demands
Those that remained stared into the abyss
Denying its power became our strength
As we licked each others wounds
Our sisterhood became a scalpel
To excise the cancer of apathy
And out of this darkness, Dawn
Like sisters separated at birth
We celebrated our reunion with cleansing tears
And the Hope that she created
From the years of her bloodshed
Has defeated my darkness
And brought me home at last.
By Michelle Lynne Kosilek

Hesitant, and profoundly alone
You wandered onto this stage
Playing an impossible part
To a hostile audience
Seeking only validation
And a few small kindnesses
I came to Motherhood like a newborn
Nakedly afraid
And knowing only how to scream
Beaten and Scared
And weaker than the January sun
Till your tears
Rewrote the language of my heart
Childbirth doesn't make a Mother
We are created by our children
Whose very innocence defies the status quo
As they dare us to read life again
And find the messages
That the author never intended.
By: Michelle Lynne Kosilek

How do I survive this emptiness, this hollow, throbbing pain
When you should be holding me, your mouth exploring
How did the others survive, surely I'm not the only woman
To be separated from her lover
The newness of this is vicious, and I have known pain
Intimately, and far too often to be fragile
But this, this is organized pain, like organized crime
It has big, powerful henchmen, soldiers
Who knock me down, laughing at a job well-done
Like a dishonest, unfriendly neighbor
Pounding on the door of my heart, demanding blood
At midnight, midday, at all possible hours
Reminding me how your love completes me
By laughing about your absence while I cry
Your love makes me more than I was, more generous
More feminine, more alone when you're not here
It teaches me kindness, and patience to wait
While love and pain become obscenely intertwined
Woven like an emotional tapestry, making me wonder
Which threads are love, and can pain know so much about me
That it isn't satisfied with the hunt
But has to own the darkness, like a rabid predator
Threatening our survival, with the brutal caress of loneliness.
By: Michellc Lynne Kosilek

There are moments, sometimes unnoticed
When life rewards even the undeserving
With a measure of fleeting kindness

We plough through these poison fields
Searching for a small, fertile spot
Where kindness and understanding might grow

Sisterhood is such a place, I believe
A song that calms the frantic heart
A warm cave that holds the storm at bay
By: Middle Lynne Kosilek

on to post four